Couples and Families benefit from 1.5 hour appointments. The fee for this is $125.00.
Erica may be covered under your Employee Assistance Program. Contact your assistance provider or ask Erica for more details.
* additional fees may be charged for report writing services.
Erica also has 2 time slots per week committed to sliding scale. Please contact her for details.
"The dream was always running ahead of me. To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle"
- Anais Nin
Erica offers counselling in her cozy and confidential office in downtown Castlegar, BC. She is available most weekdays and offers limited evening appointments.
Individuals: for Adults and Youth
Couples: Marriage, GLBTTQ, Separation
Families: Counselling with the whole family
Children: Art Therapy, Parent consultation. Children are always and only seen with the consistent input and interaction of the parent/guardians.
Art Therapy: For all ages and levels of ability.
Groups: a specific group or event is offered.
Workshops: Erica is available to lead workshops for professionals and/or the Community on issues such as: Parenting; Healing for Service Providers; Workplace Relationships; Building Bridges - connecting through understanding; Attachment; Stress Reduction; Connecting Couples; Transition to Mothering.
Erica Ortega MA, RCC
phone:(250) 608-2252. location:1014 4th St Castlegar BC